Vibrant Gujarat of Gujarati Community
Gujarat name of the state, came in to existance from Dwibhasi Rastra (current Maharastra and Gujarat). Gujarat and Mahararastra come into existance by division of big state in 1st May 1960. Gujarat is a result of Bombay Reorganization act 1960. Since 1960 Gujarat has made significant achievement towards providing batter living place in India. Gujarat earn hightest GDP over any other state of India.
The history of the west coast state of Gujarat goes back to over 2000 years. Gujarat has been ruled by various kingdoms like the Mauryan, Gupta, Patihara, Chalukyas and others during its long history. During the rule of the Chalukyas, the state witnessed tremendous progress and prosperity. Despite the plunder by Mahmud of Ghazni, the Chalukyan kings were able to maintain the general well being of the state. Gujarat was also a bone of contention between the Mughals and Marathas. The state is also inextricably linked with the life of the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi, as he was born here, and spent his early years here. He came back from South Africa to Ahmedabad, one of the major cities of Gujarat, to wage his long struggle for independence against the British.
Land of the Legends
It is not unknown by any Gujarati about Legends of Gujarat. There are many legends have been produce by Gujarat for making India batter.
Inspirational Characters from Gujarat
Literature: Krishna Hemchandracharya Mira akho Premanand Narsinh Mehta |
Religion & Meditation: Swami Sahajanan Dayanand Saraswati Shrimad Rajchandra Pujya Mota Ahmed Shah |
Arts: Maula Baksh Ustad Faiz khan Omkarnath Thakur Ravishankar Raval Jayshankar ‘Sundri’ |
Research and Science: Dr. Homi Bhabha Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Rubin David Tribhovandas Gajjar Salim Ali |
Industries (Mahajans): Vastupal Tejpal Premchand Raichand Jamshedji Tata Kasturbhai Lalbhai Gijubhai Badheka |
Social and for Country: Dadabhai Navroji Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Ravishankar Maharaj Indulal Yagnik Shyamji Krishna Verma |
Sports: Jam Ranji General Rajendrasinh General Manekshaw |